Revolutionary Era Tavern in Clinton, NJ

Author: NJWebs_Admin

Tavern Video Tour

This is a series of videos, posted frequently, showing your personal tour of the tavern during its renovation. During this tour, you will see many of the interesting architectural features of the building from its 1738 origins to the 1820’s and 1860’s renovations! Come back frequently to see the next tour segment.



Window Renovation – Inner Sashes and Storm window


Bannister Rebuild


Cistern in Woodshed/Summer Kitchen


1880’s Kitchen Stove/Fireplace

Front Door Details – 1900’s

Fireplaces – 1880s

Front Door/Porch Details – Late 1800s


Pocket Doors – Front/Back Parlors –  Late 1800’s

Sound Room Renovations – Experimental Sound Abatement


Summer Kitchen – Fireplace


History Diggers

In September 2020, a group of enthusiasts from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania approached us to search for the Privy on the property. Privies were the outhouses used before indoor plumbing. These history diggers have a documentary series on PBS channel 39, and they will feature the tavern in their next season.

While searching with metal detectors for several weeks, they discovered interesting historical items on the property. Among the more fascinating are a revolutionary soldier’s button, a musket ball, a pewter spoon handle, a Revolutionary-era tent grommet, 2 Civil War buttons, a large penny dated to 1800, an Indian head penny (1859), and several 1890s pennies.

One of the most surprising discoveries was a British soldier’s button. We speculate this button was likely from a prisoner! Perhaps he was a well-fed, button-popping Brit!

These findings confirm that the tavern was used as a recruiting and training center during the Revolution (1770s+). But they also confirm that the tavern continued to be used through the Civil War era (1860s).  In the past 12 months, coins dated 1694 and 1698 have also been found (not pictured here).

Timeline of findings in the ground near the Bonnell Tavern – September 2020

The History Diggers:
Damian, Badger, Jeff and Rick have spent many days searching and documenting their finds!

Long Awaited Paint Job

After 5 months of hard work, choosing colors and 50 gallons of primer and paint, finally the building will survive the winter with its new, exciting paint!

Route 78 Side – Front of House

View from front of Tavern

View from back of kitchen


View from Clinton side of Tavern

Windows Complete

In December 2019, we started working on repairing the Tavern’s windows. We started with the old sashes and weights. The sashes were disassembled, re-glued/re-assembled, sanded, primed and re-glazed. About 200 panes of glass were purchased. Where possible, we used old, bubble glass. All of the old weights were reused. The old screen frames with metal trim are intact. The original window latches are intact.

Rebuilding the Sashes


Rebuilding 46 Sashes – a big job!


Inner Sashes – Finished


Inside sash, rebuilt, primed and re-glazed. 23 Windows + 14 Double Pane windows on the 3rd floor Inside sash, rebuilt, primed and re-glazed. 23 Windows + 14 Double Pane windows on the 3rd floor


Storm Window

After the inside windows were installed, a storm window was designed, built and installed. Custom frames were made in redwood, 3/4″ thick insulated glass was installed and aluminum cladding was powder coated and used on the outer surface to hold the insulated glass firmly in place. These storm windows are commercial grade, will protect the old inner sashes and should last ‘forever’.

Storm window designed, built and installed in spring of 2020

Before Renovation


The Bonnell Tavern has been under-utilized for many years. Windows have been broken and boarded up with plywood since the 1960’s. The roof has been repaired and patched for 60 years to keep water out of the structure. Rainwater is the most damaging natural element. The following pictures show the condition of the house before the restoration began in December 2019.


The front view in December 2019


Tavern View – December 2019

View from Clinton, NJ – December 2019



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